Thursday, September 25, 2014

A New Thing

September 25, 2014


I cleaned off my refrigerator...the outside, not the inside.  The "Happy Birthday, GG" cards... printed in markers and crayon and backwards letters, the Thanksgiving turkey with "We are thankful for GG and Poppa Mike because..." written on the feathers.... the princess sticker- covered artwork, and the photos of birthdays and holidays....they all came down.

That's one of the things you have to do when you move.

I've done it so many times....and not just across the city, but across the country.  I've moved from a small community in Ohio to the Arizona desert to the Mitten state and back (more than once), to three different cities in Texas, and now to Bayou country.

I never thought my life would be this way.  Like most women,  I like roots....and predictability, and security....and yet, I know in my heart that every one of these moves has played a vital part in my kids' lives as well as mine.

It would have been "easier" when given the option of moving (from a home I owned and loved, with a swimming pool, that was only 8 houses away from my best friend) if I would have put my foot down, and said, "No!"  That move, 17 years ago, started me on this nomadic like path.

Easier, yes.  Better, no.  That move set me in the ministry.  That move put my son and daughter in new surroundings that stretched and challenged them, so that they could become the talented and anointed and hard working adults they are today.  That move widened my experiences and horizons beyond my understanding.

Yet, I have cried every single time I have had to clean off my refrigerator.

When you are challenged with life's  changes (which are inevitable), don't your eyes leak a little---or is it just me?

I've learned to deal with the tears.  I let myself cry, but not for too long!  Once I dry them, I begin looking forward with anticipation and hope.

Don't ever let the tears stop you!!!  The tears don't mean it's not God's plan.  Tears indicate that our flesh and our emotions are needing to adjust to the change....and they will adjust, just give yourself some time!

What about you today?  What changes is God putting in front of you that seem to be difficult--maybe even bringing some tears?  Following God is never boring, but it's not easy, either!

Isaiah 43: 18-19  Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.  See, I am doing a new thing!  Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?

Get excited about YOUR new thing TODAY!

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