Thursday, November 12, 2015

You will grieve....

Last week we broached the topic of grief....

One of the difficulties of facing this subject head-on is that no one, particularly people of faith, wants to admit that bad things might happen. There is no "if" "and" or "but" about it. Bad things will happen on this earth.

I can hear some of my faith friends gasping in shock! Jesus said it Himself. John 16:33 quotes Jesus as saying, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

To be clear, I am not contending that you should expect bad things to happen. Nor am I teaching that God wants or causes hurtful or painful circumstances in your life.

We can pray, believe, and speak the Word of God so that no weapon formed against us will prosper. However, there are still weapons that are formed against us.

God has commanded His angels to guard us in all of our ways. There must be something from which those angels need to guard us. Here's the truth: Satan is on this earth to steal, kill, and destroy. Sometimes he gets the upper hand. (There are lots of reasons for that, but that will have to wait for another time!)

For those whose faith is in Jesus Christ, there will come a day when there will be no more tears, sadness, or pain. 
He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’ or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away. (Revelation 21:4)
However, we are not yet in that day.

Jesus told His disciples,
You will grievebut your grief will turn to joy.

Imagine how they felt.

Jesus' followers expected Him to rise up and lead Israel to freedom from the tyranny of Rome. They saw him raise Lazarus from the dead. They forfeited their businesses to follow Him. They loved him dearly, and there, at Calvary, they saw the One they honored, the One they followed, the One they called, "Rabbi" scourged, beaten, crowned with thorns. They saw the nails be driven in His hands. They watched as He agonizingly cried out to the Father, "Eli, Eli, Lama Sabachthani."

The word "watch" is hardly an accurate description of what you do when someone you love is suffering. 

I've cried many, many more tears over my loved ones' pain than I have over my own. 

The disciples mourned for Jesus. I believe they weren't just sad over their loss; they were hurting over their Loved One's pain. 

The disciples' sadness caused a significant memory lapse....they forgot that Jesus said their mourning would be turned into joy.

In Matthew 28:8 we read that on the morning of the resurrection, the women ran from the sepulcher with great joy. It happened-just as Jesus had said! 

They wept for a time.
They mourned their loss and grieved over Jesus' suffering.
However, just as Jesus told them, their mourning was turned to joy!

You may be surrounded by the darkness of grief today, but if you keep moving forward, you will encounter the light of joy!

Today's message is this-

  • Stuff happens in this world.
  • When your loved ones are hurting, it is normal to hurt for them.
  • Sorrow can cloud your mind. You had a past that had love, joy, and positive experiences.
  • You also have a future that has love, joy, and positive experiences.
  • In the midst of sorrow, continue to believe that your sorrow will be turned to joy, even though you may not feel like it at all!
  • There is a future. There is a hope. 
  • Everything won't always be like it is today.
You may be asking, "How am I supposed to do that? If you only knew what I was going through." 

I don't know exactly what you're going through today, but I do know that God's Word is true. 
Weeping may remain for a night, but joy comes in the morning! (Psalm 30:5)

We'll talk more about exactly HOW to go from mourning to joy in the next few blogs.
God loves you and has a hope and a future for you!!
I'll blog you next week.....In the meantime, do something today to fulfill your purpose.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Let’s talk about what most people rarely talk about.

My mother is 91 years old. She has been confined to bed for over a year. The day is approaching when her spirit will peacefully slip out of her body and walk through a door that some refer to as “the pearly gates.” What those who remain call, “death” is just “walking through a door” for the one experiencing it. It’s a part of life. In Disney’s “Lion King” movie, it became known as “The circle of life.”

If “death” (I much prefer the term “passing” because that’s really what it is) is such a part of life, why is it so rarely discussed? People talk about getting married, having babies, career challenges, raising children, retirement, but this part of life is rarely dealt with until it slaps one in the face with the sting of grief.

If you live long enough, you will experience a genuine life crisis that causes grief. Grief is keen mental suffering or distress over affliction or loss; sharp sorrow, painful regret. It can hit in several ways.

I don’t mean to be a “negative Nellie” today. My intention is to give you hope to help you through those periods of loss. It affects people at different times in different ways. It might be
·      A doctor’s diagnosis that includes the word, “terminal”
·      A meeting that results in your removal from a job or position in ministry
·      A discovery that your spouse or child is addicted to drugs or pornography
·      A confession that your spouse has been unfaithful
·      A knock on the door or an emergency phone call that begins, “There’s been an accident….”
·      A final moment near the bedside of a spouse, a child, or a parent

You may be going through something like this today; you may have gone through it, but you’re not sure you’re completely whole, or you may one day go through something that causes grief. It happens.

Everything is moving along nicely in your life, and then suddenly-everything changes!

Suddenlies in life can be positive. I often preach a message on “Preparing for Your Suddenlies.” ”Prepare for God to do something wonderful in your life; it will happen suddenly. God operates suddenly, but not unexpectedly. You must expect Him to move…. God will do it, but you must believe and prepare!”  That’s the good stuff.

But “suddenlies” can also be negative, and you should be prepared to handle those as well!

This is so close to my heart, so important, and there is so much to share that we will be looking at this topic over several posts. This is the first of a blog series that I am calling, “Mourning at Night-Joy in the Morning-How to Stay Spiritually Strong through Personal Crisis or Loss.”

Let’s be honest. Let’s talk about the hard stuff. Let’s deal with and prepare so that when those negative “suddenlies” happen, our faith is not destroyed.

The honest truth is this- Grief can affect belief.
Look at Mark 16:10-11…. And she went and told them that had been with him, as they mourned and wept. And they, when they had heard that he was alive, and had been seen of her, believed not.
On “Easter” morning (the morning of Jesus’ resurrection from the dead) Mary ran to tell the disciples, “Jesus is risen,” but they were so overwhelmed with grief that they couldn’t believe!

Jesus told the disciples that in this life we would have troubles, but to be of good cheer for He has overcome the world. (John 16:33) Still, their grief kept them from experiencing the joy of that resurrection morning!

Let’s talk about how you can go from mourning at night to joy in the morning. Trust me-it IS possible-even in the most difficult circumstances.

Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning. (Psalm 30:5)

Share this blog. Get people connected. I know it will help them get through difficult times. Stay tuned for part 2 of this series. Until next time-do something today to fulfill your purpose.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Your future and Newton's first law of motion

Whether you know it or not.....Your life, your future, and your dreams are being controlled by Newton's first law of motion....

Do you even know what that is? Maybe you're like me.....

I am not a scientist or physicist by any stretch of the imagination.....

The Catholic schools that I attended were strong in letters and arts and terribly weak in math and science. I barely made it through Chemistry....dear old Sister Maria.... she and I spoke different languages.....Everything she said was all Greek to me.....When my academic counselor suggested I take physics....I declined and added a public speaking class....(surprise, surprise!).....

But somewhere along the line I learned about the law of inertia. Over the years, I have come to the conclusion that it is key to.....just about EVERYTHING in life....

The law of inertia (AKA Newton's first law of motion) states, "An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force."

Inertia is the roadblock that must be obliterated in order to move forward on the path of a fulfilling life.

  • Inertia keeps you on the sofa when you should go to the gym.
  • Inertia keeps you in bed when you should get up and go to church.
  • Inertia keeps you in a dead end job when you know there are better opportunities.
  • Inertia keeps you in that relationship that is easy and predictable, yet stressful and joyless.

Inertia keeps you right where you are......doing just what you're doing....the common vernacular for it is, "Same old, same old." 

Some people say, "Go with the flow..." But a dead fish can "Go with the flow" of the current. Is that what you want to be....a dead fish?

No one moves forward without some kind of "unbalanced force." There are times when the force is forced upon get fired or laid off from your job....your significant other decides to leave you...the doctor tells you that if you don't get some exercise you will be dead in a few short years.....

The most positive thing about negative situations is that they can actually FORCE you to move forward,'s always better to be proactive than to be reactive!

You should be the source of the force for your own life!

Christians may think that I should have said, "God is the source of your force." However, God will never MAKE you get off the couch, go to the gym, go to church, or get a new job! He will let you hear things and read things (like this blog) to inspire you and direct you, but the choice is ALWAYS YOURS!

Here are a few things you can do to obliterate the roadblock of inertia in your life:

1.  Read....biographies, motivational articles...increase your view     
     of the world...increase your knowledge of possibilities....

2.  Associate ....with people who aren't frozen by inertia...Honestly assess your
     relationships. Do you have friends/family/pastors/employers/co-workers who are 
     moving forward and encouraging you to do the same?

3.  Take one step today....get off the couch and do 10 push ups....go to church this
     Sunday....arrange to have lunch with a new acquaintance this week....get out
     of your cocoon at least once a day by having a real life conversation with

4.  Dream....what would you do if you knew it was impossible for you to fail? Write it down.

Remember, it takes a strong, determined salmon to swim upstream, but any dead goldfish can float with the current. 

Live life in a strong and determined way! Don't just float with the current! Overcome inertia; be the source of the force in your life that will move you to higher levels! You can do it!

Now....I'm getting up out of this chair...and going to the track...I am the source of the force to overcome inertia in my about you?

I went past the field of a sluggard, past the vineyard of someone who has no sense; thorns had come up everywhere, the ground was covered with weeds, and the stone wall was in ruins. I applied my heart to what I observed and I learned a lesson from what I saw: A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest-and poverty will come on you like a thief and scarcity like and armed man. ~ Proverbs 24:30-34

Please share this blog with someone who will swim upstream with you!

I'll blog you the something today to fulfill your purpose!

Friday, August 21, 2015

The news about Jared Fogle and Josh Duggar has hit me hard.....

America, wake up! There is an attack against you, your career, your family, your future, and it usually starts online. The availability of sexual material coming from the privacy of one’s desktop, laptop, notebook, or smartphone is destroying marriages, careers, and entire lives.  STOP IT. STOP NOW.

I know, you think it doesn’t hurt anyone. “What’s the problem with viewing a little porn,” you say.  
“It’s just soft porn anyway.”
“ I don’t look at the hard stuff.”
            “Everybody does it.”
            “It’s normal.”
            “I can satisfy myself and not involve my spouse.”
            “My sexual enjoyment is my business. I’ll do whatever pleases me.”
            “Nobody will ever know.”
            “Nobody will get hurt.”

“Nobody will get hurt?” Ask the families of Jared Fogle and Josh Duggar about that.
Sexual sin and abhorrent behavior has filled my newsfeed this week, and it has hit me in the gut. Facebook is filled with memes ridiculing Jared Fogle and lengthy posts from Christian sites decrying the hypocrisy of Joshua Duggar.

Fogle engaged in child porn and is accused of paying for sex with underage girls. He will likely spend at least five years in prison. At this point, Duggar has not been charged with any illegal activity, although he was accused of molesting five girls when he was a teenager. Had it come to light sooner or had it been handled differently, he would likely be looking at prison time as well.

Both of these men had wives and children. They had good careers. They had some fame. Their lives have now been destroyed. Jared, in particular, will be a registered sex offender for the rest of his life. It is likely that his wife, who filed for divorce on Wednesday, will end up with all their assets. He will go to prison for at least 5 years, probably more. When he is finally released, He will have nothing. The label on him will make it difficult for him to find work, housing, and even attend a church. No one wants a registered sex offender in his neighborhood, office, or church.


The answer is, of course, because he was addicted. Addiction (to anything) includes compulsive, dangerous behavior. The addict will risk anything and everything for the next “fix,” whether it is alcohol, drugs, or sex. That’s what happened to Jared Fogle and Joshua Duggar, and the man I was married to for thirty years.

            “That’s not me,” you say.

            Okay then. STOP. NOW.

Whether you want to admit it or not, viewing porn online is too easy, terribly common, and it is a gateway to sexual addiction.

 “Not everyone who looks at a nude image is going to become a sex addict. But the constant exposure is going to trigger people who are susceptible,” says Dr. David Sack, chief executive of Los Angeles’s Promises Treatment Centers. (“The Sex Addiction Epidemic” Newsweek Magazine, November 25, 2011)

It’s time for the church to get its head out of the sand and deal with this issue.
A survey done by ChristiaNet gives these statistics:
  • 50% of Christian men are addicted to pornography
  • 20% of Christian women are addicted to pornography
  • 60% of Christian women admitted to having a significant struggles with lust

I get it. Who wants to preach about this? It makes people squirm. It makes me squirm! I don’t want to talk about it or write about it, but ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!

I can understand that pastors don’t want to preach about pornography in the main pulpit, but how about dealing with it at the men’s meetings and the women’s meetings? What about the youth?
  •          The average age someone begins viewing porn is 11 years old!
  •           A study in the southeastern U.S. found that 53 percent of boys and 28 percent of girls (ages 12-15) reported use of sexually explicit media online.

Too many lives have been completely destroyed by sexual addiction. Stop it before it starts! Sexual addiction is not just about sex, and it may have its origin in other behaviors such as abuse, but the much larger and more common risk factor is pornography. (American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy)

I am no expert on sexual addiction, but I have lived with the consequences of it. Here are some things I hope you will do to protect your family and your future:

1. Be honest with yourself.
2. Be honest with someone else. If you are married, that should be your spouse.
3. Talk about this. Explain to the teenagers how viewing porn will affect their marriage and how it can open the door to addiction.
4. Don’t live isolated. Get involved in a church community. That doesn’t mean just show up for services. Men need male friends. Women need female friends.
5. Keep the computer in a public space in your house. Every adult should have access to all computers, tablets, and smart phones.
6. Check the viewing history daily.
7. Keep your eyes on your future. The full gratification of a sexual experience (I’m trying to be delicate in my use of words here) lasts less than a minute. Decide to not let that minute destroy the rest of your life.

I pray that this post will make a difference in someone's life. I'll blog you later, and it will probably be more positive and joy-filled! Until something today to fulfill your purpose!

The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me. Your love, O Lord endures forever. Do not abandon the work of Your hands. (Psalm 138:8)

Friday, July 17, 2015

You Can Change a Person's Shoes, but not His Character

Time flies!

The Amazing Mr. Brintnall and I will celebrate the anniversary of our first introduction on July 19.

We didn't meet in person on that day....

It would be another 6 weeks before that would happen....He lived 515 miles away from me....that made dating a bit of a challenge....

You should read this blog for the fun details...It's a great story.....

Follow Your Heart, but Don't Disconnect Your Brain- How I Met the Amazing Mr. Brintnall- Part 2

He Talks Differently

The Amazing Mr. Brintnall and I are from very different backgrounds. I noticed early on that he talks differently than I do, but it's odd how I am beginning to pick things up.....

He has introduced to the following words and phrases that I shock myself with periodically as they slip out of my mouth.....

1. "I reckon".....This means, "I think so" or as we would have said in my house,  "Probably." It is often used in response to a question: "Do you want to go out tonight?" "I reckon."
2. "Wore slick" ......This means, "Exhausted" or "Worn out." I was wore slick after preaching three services in one day. 
3. "Pacho".....This means, "Buddy," or "Guy" and is normally used in reference to someone who is creating problems, often in traffic.  Look out, there Pacho, you almost backed into me.

The Amazing Mr. Brintnall sounds so countrified at times, and yet he is more well travelled than I. He has been to nearly every major (and most minor) cities in America. He has visited several continents and nations. As difficult as it is for me to admit......he has a better vocabulary than I.... notwithstanding the words reckon,Wore slick, and Pacho.

The Great Home Depot Story

The Amazing Mr. Brintnall impressed me early in our relationship when he used the word facetious correctly in a conversation. I asked him to spell that word, and he did! 

One day I had to go to Home Depot. The Amazing Mr. Brintnall and I were living 515 miles apart and had been texting. Somehow the conversation turned to how impressed I was that he knew how to spell facetious. 

The Amazing Mr. Brintnall is an extremely humble man. He told me that he was SURE there were plenty of men in Home Depot who could spell facetious. 

I said I was sure there weren't. He challenged me to find out. Never being one to turn down a challenge, I strutted into Home Depot in my high heels and swingy skirt to see if I could find a man who could spell facetious.

How was I going to ask men if they knew how to spell facetious? hmmmmmm.....

I decided to be sending a text to my dear intended and that I needed to know how to spell that word in a hurry! As the employee was making a copy of the key I needed, I pulled my phone out and began to text. 
" you know how to spell facetious?" I asked, trying to sound helpless....
 He looked at me with a blank stare...."Spell what?"
 "Never mind. That's OK."

I was correct. The Amazing Mr. Brintnall really WAS amazing. This man didn't even know the word. However, the Amazing Mr. Brintnall wasn't satisfied. 
"No, no, no.  Employees don't count. You have to ask one of the customers."
Geez...I thought I had been brazen enough with the key making man, but now I had to approach someone in the checkout line. I got in line behind a gentleman with a cart full of building supplies and quickly pulled out my phone.
"Do you know how to spell facetious?"
This guy was on the ball!
"Doesn't your phone fix words for you?" 
Now I had to tell a lie.....(I repented later)....
" I don't even know how to start it." 
He looked it up on his phone...and when he read it to me, he still spelled it wrong, but I thanked him and finished my text.

I was right! There just aren't that many men around who can change the oil in your car, do complex mathematics, and spell facetious....I reckon!

And that is what makes the Amazing Mr. Brintnall.....AMAZING!

Relationship Advice

If you are looking for Mr (or Ms) right, I encourage you to look for someone who thinks the same way you do. He or she may not be from the same city or state. He may be a country mouse and you may be a city mouse. What really matters is stuff that really matters. 

It didn't matter that I never, ever, EVER used the phrase "I reckon" before in my life, but he used it all the time.....

What did matter was that he has a relationship with God like I do. He knows the Word of God and lives by it. He honors his father and his mother. He takes his responsibility as a father seriously. He is a hard worker. He is honest and forthright and honorable. He can spell facetious........ :-) Just kidding....spelling isn't that important...unless its important to you. 

There are drawbacks to the way we met, but there are advantages as well. I couldn't get hung up on the fact that he wears cowboy boots and not designer shoes....because I didn't see his boots until I was already taken by his character, intellect, and sincere relationship with Christ. 

Look for what really matters......

You can change a person's shoes, but you can't change his character. 

By the way, we bought him a pair of designer shoes last week...... 

It about wore him slick, I reckon!

Can two walk together, except they be agreed? ~Amos 3:3

I'll blog you next the something TODAY to fulfill your purpose...

And please share this blog if it encouraged your or made you smile!

Monday, June 15, 2015

Things I've learned from the Amazing Mr. Brintnall....Part One


I want to share one of the valuable things I've learned from the Amazing Mr. Brintnall...

When we were dating, he would say things that I wasn't exactly sure how to interpret. Once, when discussing our goals and dreams, he said~~~

It's the simple things in life that really matter.
This sounds good....maybe you've said that...
But.......I had never said anything like that...

Before the Amazing Mr. Brintnall came into my life....I was focused on achieving....doing better than I had before, going higher, working harder, making a name for myself.....

From my early childhood, I constantly strove to be better....I had to get the best grades, be class president, then Student Body president. I had to write more articles for the school newspaper, win speech tournaments, and get the lead in the high school play (as a freshman nonetheless).

Things happened in my life that distracted me....but my innate desire is to ACHIEVE!!!
I don't want to just be a good preacher...I want to be a GREAT preacher. I don't want to just "get by" in life, I intend to prosper!

I expected the Amazing Mr. Brintnall, whom I loved, to say something like, "We're going to the top, baby. Nothing will stop us now. Look out, world. We may have been sidetracked, but here we come!"

Nope. He said, "It's the simple things in life that really matter."

What did he mean by that??????
Did he mean that he wasn't motivated to accomplish much?
Did he mean that he wouldn't let me buy any more nice clothes if we married? 
Did it mean that he would want me to go camping? (GOD FORBID!!!)  

As kindly as I could, I asked him to clarify what he meant.

He said something about driving out a dirt road on a summer night, and sitting in the back of his pick up truck to look at the stars....

He talked about going on an impromptu picnic at the lake.

He said something about teaching our grandchildren how to fish.

He mentioned being content with what we have and where we are.

Thank God, he didn't say anything about camping!!!!

When he mentioned the simple things in life, he didn't mean that his goal was to do nothing, accomplish nothing, and be a lazy bum....(Tip to single ladies- do NOT get involved with a lazy man!)
The amazing Mr. Brintnall is one of the hardest workers I know. He put in a 27 hour day last week while I was out of town...there was an important project at work that needed to be done, and he worked from 6:00 a.m. Wednesday until 8:00 a.m. Thursday to see that it was done.....

The Amazing Mr. Brintnall is always thinking of ways to do more, be better, and take care of his family...

He doesn't mind if I buy nice clothes, and he likes it when I dress up.....whew! Funny thing is, I  prefer my jeans and sandals these days to suits and heels....

He doesn't even like to camp any more......praise the Lord for that!!!

I think I've finally figured out what he meant when he said....

It's the simple things in life that really matter.
The Amazing Mr. Brintnall and I planted a garden a few months ago. (Well, he planted it...I water it and eat from it!) We enjoy walking out to the garden and looking at the fruit of our labor. We keep an eye on the strawberries and tomatoes for slugs that have tried to overtake them. There's a certain kind of gratification when the tomato ripens and makes its way onto our salad that night. We find a joy in knowing that we planted something and we are harvesting. That's a simple thing, but it's a very good thing.

We eat 95% of our meals at home. There are certain regular items on our menu. One of them is Taco Salad. Taco Salad night is like party night at our house. Yep, we like it that much! We laugh and celebrate how much we enjoy this simple meal in our quiet little home in the sugar cane fields of southern Louisiana. It's a simple thing, but it's a very good thing.

We love our kids. His youngest son just graduated high school, and we were thankful to be able to witness him walk the stage. Then we were able to spend a week with him and my son and his family as they got to know one another on a family vacation. The trip wasn't fancy--no first class plane tickets, five star hotels, or fancy restaurants--but the time together was precious. It was a simple thing, but a very good thing.

We go out to eat once in a while, but on a more regular basis, we go out for ice cream. It costs us up to $6.50.... (when I get something fancy).....We park at the drive in at Sonic, put our windows down, and listen to 1960's Rock and Roll Music as we enjoy our indulgences....he always gets a strawberry sundae...It's a simple thing, but a very good thing.

We pray together before every meal. He thanks God for the food and blesses it, but he also thanks God for sending Jesus so we would have a way to Him; he prays for other family and church needs, and at the end of the prayer he always says, "Thank You, God for Gloria and her love for me." Then we kiss. Every. Single. Time. It's a simple thing, but a very good thing.

Yes, it's the simple things in life that really matter.

We still have goals and dreams. God is not finished with either of us. We just wrote a new set of goals and put them on our refrigerator. We are working hard, sowing seed, and believing God...but we have decided to ENJOY where we are RIGHT NOW. 

LIFE IS TOO SHORT to always be looking so far ahead that you can't appreciate where you are and what God has ALREADY DONE FOR YOU!

Yes, there is more to dream. Yes, there are loftier goals ahead of you. There is more, but begin today to be THANKFUL for the SIMPLE THINGS IN LIFE!

"But godliness with contentment is great gain...." 1 Timothy 6:6

Find some simple things that bring joy to your life and celebrate them!

I'll blog you next week....until then, do something today to fulfill your purpose....

Friday, May 29, 2015

3 Things Kids Need from "My Odd Life"

Well…dear readers….TODAY I feel like talking about children…..again….because this has been a big part of “My Odd Life.” J

What do your children really need? Of course, they need a roof over their heads, food on their table, and clothing on their backs (and fronts, please!). 

Don’t worry- I’m not going to spout off about how your kid doesn’t need that iPhone, ipad, and laptop. Some technical knowledge is vital in today’s learning and employment environment.

I’m not here to demonize all the luxuries that first world kids enjoy. I enjoyed some. My kids enjoyed some. They were great. Whatever you can do for your children (without going into debt) do it!

Whether you can buy them a car when they are sixteen or the best you can do is fill the tires in their bicycle with air, there are some things that your children absolutely need from you regardless of your financial situation.
This is not an all encompassing list-but a starting place….to be continued…..

Three Things Kids Need
1. Kids need to know God.
The cool “intellectual” parents who never talk about God to their children often say, “I want my child to choose for him/herself” about religion. I’ve got news for you: they all will eventually choose for themselves….even the kids who are brought up in church….There will come a day when momma and daddy won’t be able to force them to believe, to pray, to attend church, or even to live morally. My kids were raised in a God fearing home. They went to church twice a week. We prayed and read the Bible. However, when they became young adults, they had to choose for themselves to serve God or not. If they hadn’t even known God, how could they have chosen Him?
It is the parents’ responsibility to introduce the kids to God. In order to do that, of course, you need to know Him yourself. The only way to know God is through a relationship with Jesus. That’s why Jesus came to the Earth. Get your kids to a good church. Pray with them. Read the Bible to them. Let them hear YOU pray and talk about your relationship with God!

One of the things I often prayed with my children, and I pray over my grandchildren while I am holding them is, “Thank you, God, for _________________ (child’s name).”
Your kids need to hear that : 1. You are thankful for their very life. 2. They are a gift from God, and not an accident or the result of the breeding of some kind of super-apes!

2. Kids need to know you love them. No. Matter. What.
That’s called “unconditional love.” You can’t just love them when they bring home the straight A’s or when they get the Athletic scholarship.  Love is an action word. My book, “How to Never Fail for Parents” discusses how love really looks on a day-to-day basis with your kids. (Order it at You can never say, “I love you” too often.  I said it to my children as often as I could when I was raising them. I say it as often as I can to my grandchildren.

Learn your child’s love language….How does he/she express and receive love? One of my children responded and communicated through words of affirmation and time. The other one responded to gifts. Thank God I figured that out! That child would ask me every time I came in the door from grocery shopping, “What did you bring me?” At first I thought, “What kind of selfish child am I raising here?” Then I noticed that this child was always looking for ways to give things to others. If that’s your child’s love language, a piece of chewing gum, a handwritten note, or any small token is usually sufficient. Find a way to express love to them in the way they understand it….for my “gifts” child….trying to hug and snuggle was…..a challenge….instead of it expressing love I think it was seen as an affront! LOL!  I still hugged and snuggled whenever I could sneak it in…. J I still do…..

3. Kids need to know that you believe in them.
It’s popular to say, “You can do anything you want in life.” Yes….but it would be better to tell your kids, “You can excel at whatever God wants you to do in life.” Your child may not be the BEST at anything right now. He/she still needs to know that you believe in him/her. Remind him/her that God has a plan for his/her life. Your child needs to know that great achievements don’t come easily. Perseverance is required, and God blesses perseverance: And endurance (fortitude) develops maturity of character (approved faith and tried integrity). And character [of this sort] produces [the habit of] joyful and confident hope of eternal salvation. (Romans 5:4)
Developing a life of discipline and perseverance will build your child’s self-esteem. Encourage your child to never give up. If he/she falls down, help him/her up. Share biographies of successful men and women. Tell them about your challenges and victories as you have persevered through learning to ride a bike, learning to swim, learning to roller skate, learning to play ball, learning an instrument, graduating college, getting your first job….whatever! They can do it! Teach your children Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.”

Like I said, this is not an all encompassing list….but when more parents provide the above three things for their children, this world will be a much better place.

I pray this blog encouraged you or taught you something!
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I’ll blog you next week….I’m thinking it’s time for me to write more about the Amazing Mr. Brintnall….We shall see….in the meantime, do something TODAY to fulfill your purpose.