Saturday, September 19, 2015

Your future and Newton's first law of motion

Whether you know it or not.....Your life, your future, and your dreams are being controlled by Newton's first law of motion....

Do you even know what that is? Maybe you're like me.....

I am not a scientist or physicist by any stretch of the imagination.....

The Catholic schools that I attended were strong in letters and arts and terribly weak in math and science. I barely made it through Chemistry....dear old Sister Maria.... she and I spoke different languages.....Everything she said was all Greek to me.....When my academic counselor suggested I take physics....I declined and added a public speaking class....(surprise, surprise!).....

But somewhere along the line I learned about the law of inertia. Over the years, I have come to the conclusion that it is key to.....just about EVERYTHING in life....

The law of inertia (AKA Newton's first law of motion) states, "An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force."

Inertia is the roadblock that must be obliterated in order to move forward on the path of a fulfilling life.

  • Inertia keeps you on the sofa when you should go to the gym.
  • Inertia keeps you in bed when you should get up and go to church.
  • Inertia keeps you in a dead end job when you know there are better opportunities.
  • Inertia keeps you in that relationship that is easy and predictable, yet stressful and joyless.

Inertia keeps you right where you are......doing just what you're doing....the common vernacular for it is, "Same old, same old." 

Some people say, "Go with the flow..." But a dead fish can "Go with the flow" of the current. Is that what you want to be....a dead fish?

No one moves forward without some kind of "unbalanced force." There are times when the force is forced upon get fired or laid off from your job....your significant other decides to leave you...the doctor tells you that if you don't get some exercise you will be dead in a few short years.....

The most positive thing about negative situations is that they can actually FORCE you to move forward,'s always better to be proactive than to be reactive!

You should be the source of the force for your own life!

Christians may think that I should have said, "God is the source of your force." However, God will never MAKE you get off the couch, go to the gym, go to church, or get a new job! He will let you hear things and read things (like this blog) to inspire you and direct you, but the choice is ALWAYS YOURS!

Here are a few things you can do to obliterate the roadblock of inertia in your life:

1.  Read....biographies, motivational articles...increase your view     
     of the world...increase your knowledge of possibilities....

2.  Associate ....with people who aren't frozen by inertia...Honestly assess your
     relationships. Do you have friends/family/pastors/employers/co-workers who are 
     moving forward and encouraging you to do the same?

3.  Take one step today....get off the couch and do 10 push ups....go to church this
     Sunday....arrange to have lunch with a new acquaintance this week....get out
     of your cocoon at least once a day by having a real life conversation with

4.  Dream....what would you do if you knew it was impossible for you to fail? Write it down.

Remember, it takes a strong, determined salmon to swim upstream, but any dead goldfish can float with the current. 

Live life in a strong and determined way! Don't just float with the current! Overcome inertia; be the source of the force in your life that will move you to higher levels! You can do it!

Now....I'm getting up out of this chair...and going to the track...I am the source of the force to overcome inertia in my about you?

I went past the field of a sluggard, past the vineyard of someone who has no sense; thorns had come up everywhere, the ground was covered with weeds, and the stone wall was in ruins. I applied my heart to what I observed and I learned a lesson from what I saw: A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest-and poverty will come on you like a thief and scarcity like and armed man. ~ Proverbs 24:30-34

Please share this blog with someone who will swim upstream with you!

I'll blog you the something today to fulfill your purpose!