Thursday, April 23, 2015

Dream Jobs-those that make a lasting difference in the world....


I spent some time reading some of my past blogs......and boy oh boy.....did I get inspired!

I'm tempted to repost one of them today.....but I've got something else brewing....

What's your dream job? Some people say there is no such thing. Others will tell you that it really is "out there" somewhere. The search goes on for many.....

Someone once said, "Do something you love and you'll never work a day in your life." 

Ummmmm.....that sounds good....but...not sure that's accurate.....

I LOVE what I do. I LOVE to write and to preach and teach. I really, really LOVE IT.....but there are days I don't want to sit at my computer to work on articles and books and devotionals....Some days I have absolutely no idea what to type on the keys....and I pray that God will just "take over" my fingers and do it without any involvement on my every week when it's time to write this blog! This is work.

I LOVE preaching....but when I get a ministry date, I have to spend a whole lot of time....a whole lot....praying and studying and writing and rewriting and praying some more and even practicing....and then praying some more so as not to depend on MY efforts, but on the Holy's a delicate and sometimes daunting balance..... That is work.

So....what's your dream job?  Have you identified it? Have you found it? 

One article I read said that finding your dream job was like finding your spouse. Sure, there will be a "honeymoon" period when everything is all hunky-dory, but one day, the hard truth will hit you that your perfect job has some know....stuff you just don't want to deal with....reports and papers and meetings and office procedures and unreasonable bosses and difficult employees or clients....need I go on?

One website listed some dream jobs that most people don't know exist....for example....
Being a professional snuggler......yes, that's SNUGGLER....with an "N"....not "smuggler"....
The article stated that this is a new enterprise in can be hired to snuggle.....

That may sound like a dream job...but think of all the problems that could ensue....I don't think I need to list them here....but really? EWWWWWW.....

The jobs listed as "dream jobs" seemed to appeal to a desire to be....well....lazy!  Snuggling, ice cream tasting, mattress testing.....none of those jobs require much physical or mental investment...

While doing practically nothing (snuggling....eating ice cream....sleeping) may sound appealing for a job, most people really want to make a difference in what they do. 

The reason I love what I do isn't because I make a lot of money at it....I love what I do because I know that when I write something or preach something that changes a life for the better, I have made a difference....sometimes an ETERNAL difference. 

The first time I preached on H.O.P.E.-Having Only Positive Expectations-a gentleman came up to me after the service and said that when he came into the church that day he was planning on committing suicide, but the Word of God that was ministered that morning set him free and he left there with HOPE!  The work I did to prepare and present that message made a difference....for him...for his family...for generations to come!

Don't you want to make a difference?

Do you want to do something that will keep contributing beyond your lifetime?

Do you want your work to effect generations to come?

Then help a parent. 

Parents have the biggest, most important, most difficult job in the world.

Yet for the last several decades, parenting has been maligned as nothing more than a distraction to "important careers." There is nothing more important than raising the next generation of adults. NOTHING. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

Pundits wonder why society has become so heartless, so hateful, and so hurtful.

Why do we see teenagers recording brutal attacks and posting them on the internet? Because they haven't been parented. They haven't been taught to be compassionate, caring, thoughtful individuals who honor and respect other people.

  • The violence we see on our news feed on a daily basis could be greatly decreased if parents would  begin to hold their children accountable for their actions.
  • Every race and hatred issue could be eradicated in one generation if only the parents would teach their children to honor and respect other people regardless of their differences.
Parents need help! 

  • Many are struggling just to pay the bills. Financial worries create stress in the home. Mom and/or dad can't focus on the kids because they are so consumed with the pressure of paying rent and putting food on the table. 
  •  Most parents don't have any idea how to deal with their children. They raise their children the way they were raised. That could be good....or not.... Their motto is, "It was good enough for me, so it's good enough for my kids."
  • Parents are getting mixed messages about effective parenting. Intrinsically they know that there are moral absolutes in life. Yet higher education, the media, and pop psychology has told them that there is no such thing as moral absolutes. What may be right for one person may not be right for another. Whatever feels right to you is teenager who mercilessly beats another student because he doesn't like the way he looks is just acting on what he feels is right.
  • Parents are tired of being judged by everyone else. If their child is throwing a tantrum in the store, they are judged for being too lax if they don't deal with it. If they discipline the child, the parent is judged as being an abuser. 
  •  Many parents...ESPECIALLY single parents....are just....plain....exhausted. 
Years ago, the extended family was close at the same city, same neighborhood, maybe even the same house....grandparents, aunts, uncles,  and older cousins were around to set examples for the kids. They were available to teach the young ones certain skills that perhaps their parents lacked, and to give the parents a break. The kids could run over to uncle and auntie's house for a few hours and learn how to bait a line or sew a hem, giving mom and/or dad a few moments to at least gather their thoughts and maybe get off their feet.....for just a moment!

Today's transient society leaves many, if not most parents on their own. Parents could get some support from their church, if they would just get the kids up and out of bed and go. Having a children's pastor or youth pastor who will back mom and/or dad up on moral and behavioral issues has made a difference in many children's lives....if only mom/dad would get them to church!

I love parents. I admire parents. They have a real DREAM JOB...whether they realize it or not...
Their job makes a difference in the world. 

Some mom and/or dad right now is raising the next Steve Jobs or Mother Theresa or Billy Graham or Condoleza Rice or T. D. Jakes.


  • The very least you can do is encourage the parents that you know. Tell them they can do it. Smile at that parent in the grocery store with the cart full of kids, even if one of them is acting up. Speak kindly to parents who are trying their best to wrangle their children in public. Acknowledge that the work they do is important!

  •  HELP THEM FINANCIALLY! Give them something! If you see a family out to eat....if you can afford their bill. Slip that young mother a $20 or $50 or $100 bill. Have a case of diapers shipped to that new mom. Give them gift cards for groceries or gas! Help pay a kid's way to church camp! 

  • Do something for them! Can you sit with the kids for an hour while mom and dad go to get something to eat...alone...together? Can you offer to change the oil in the family car? Can you at least help that mom with her arms full of kids and diaper bags at least get from her car to the church door?

  •  Volunteer! Volunteer to help in your church's Kids' Ministry! 

I love parents, and I just released a book to help them. It's called, "How to Never Fail for Parents." You can order it at this link:

This book is not about how to organize the toys or how to plan great meals. It's about an overriding attitude and philosophy....from the famous "love chapter" of the Bible that can be applied to any style of parenting....Please get it for a parent you love...or for yourself!

The book is simple and very easy to read. It has questions at the end of each chapter that could be used personally or for small group discussions. You may not agree with everything in it, but it is the philosophy that I used in raising my two children, both of whom are serving God, love God, love their families...and still love their mom! Their parents were far from perfect. Their lives encountered many challenges. Life wasn't a "flowery bed of ease" for my kids......The book doesn't take a rose colored view of life.

You may not apply everything to parenting the way I did, but I promise you that it will give you clarity on what really matters....

Parents have the dream job...whether they know it or not....they are able to make a real difference in this world by raising the next generation! It can be a most overwhelming task, but it is possible to know that parents will succeed......

In that famous "love chapter" of the Bible, God promised that love never fails. 

Parents, love your kids. 

Everybody a parent!

"Love never fails." (1 Corinthians 13:8)

If this blog encouraged you or gave you some insight, please share it...and love a parent today!

I'll blog you next week....until something today to fulfill your purpose!

Friday, April 10, 2015

Is Your Dusty Rusty?

"Get off your rusty dusty and do something..." Have you ever heard that phrase?

Is your dusty rusty? Maybe it's not your dusty that's rusty....but something else.....something that you are uniquely qualified to do.....that is now in a season of disrepair....

Rust is corrosion. Rust can weaken the strongest iron to the point of complete disintegration.
The perfect storm for this type of disintegration consists of wateroxygen, and time.

Isn't it odd that two of the elements that are absolutely necessary for life-water and oxygen-are the things that cause rust.....along with time....

Water and oxygen and time really can't be avoided in life on this earth. They happen. Life happens.

The elements of life......the daily drudge, the difficult people, the dream stealers, the bills, the yet to be fulfilled dreams....can wear away at your desire and your fire so that you become ineffective....

Rust can be deadly...rust has been the cause of several major bridge collapses that killed many people....

Bridges are inspected periodically to check for rust. If the rust is found to be compromising the strength of the structure, that bridge will be closed until the rust can be removed, and the effected parts can be repaired and strengthened!

Have you taken the time to do an inspection.....has something rusted in your life? 

Have the elements of life worn away the strength of some of your dreams, talents, abilities, or that they are now much weak, and maybe even rendered useless? 

Rust can be removed and the area that has been affected by rust can be repaired!

To repair something that has rusted, it must first be sanded....Sanding is rough....This might hurt....

Do you have someone in your life who will sand the rusted parts of your heart, your mind and your life? Maybe a mentor, a friend, a spouse....or....a pastor? Friends, mentors, and spouses are good...but they may not always feel free to be as honest as they need to be with you....because they talk to you face to face....

That's one of the reasons everyone should have a pastor....the Holy Spirit can use a pastor to say things from the a group of people of which you are a that the truth doesn't hit you in such a harsh way.....still that truth will hurt....because it's working on the rusty your heart, in your mind, and in your life can be removed....

A good pastor will "rub you the wrong wrong way" once in a  while....that is his/her job! If you run away from church because what he/she "Hurt your feelings" then you are missing out on your opportunity to get the rust removed from your life!

After that rusty area is sanded, it will be wiped off and coated with some primer.....ahhhh...that feels better! That's what the Holy Spirit does as He comforts and encourages you....He coats that once corroded and painful area with oil....the oil of joy!

He comes alongside of you and reminds you, "You are a new creation. You are not an accident. If you are still on this earth, then God still has a future for you. That rusted area is getting repaired. Get ready to put it back into service. You can do this!"

After the primer, a coating of paint or some sort of galvanizing material is added that strengthens and protects the iron.  On top of the oil of joy is a shield of faith.... 

The oil of joy and the shield of faith applied to that area in your life that had been rusted out now makes it strong and stable... and ready to be put back into service....

Take the time and make the effort to allow for rust removal in your life....because life happens....

  • Let the Word of God (spoken by someone who cares) sand those rusty places. 
  • Allow Holy Spirit coat those areas with the oil of joy.
  • Connect with the shield of faith to strengthen and stabilize.
  • Then get up off what was once your rusty dusty.....and do what you have been called, anointed, and equipped to do!

And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns. (Philippians 1:6 NLT)

Please share this blog so someone else can be encouraged....

I'll blog you next week....until something today to fulfill your purpose!

Thursday, April 2, 2015





Have you ever thought about that?

Most people go through life expecting certain things to happen because.....well....they've always happened. The sun always rises in the east. It always sets in the west. There will be summer, fall, winter, and spring. Your spouse is always next to you in bed when you go to sleep and when you wake up. You can always call your mom. You can always go to coffee with your best friend.


Everyone has a day or two in their lives when EVERYTHING CHANGES.

The day you graduate from college.
The day you get your first real job.
The day you get laid off or fired.
The day you get married.
The day you move to a new city or state.
The day your first child is born.
The day your parent(s) move from this earth to heaven.
The day you become single again (for whatever reason).

Although every person on this planet has experienced days when everything changed in their lives, why do most people act like everything will always be the same?

July 4, 1776
October 29, 1929
December 7, 1941
September 11, 2001

I don't know about you, but on September 10, 2001, I had no idea that the entire world would change the next day. I wasn't alive on December 6, 1944, but I believe most people had no clue as to how the world would change when the United States entered WWII just 24 hours later.

Think about the day Jesus was crucified. 
Crucifixions were normal occurrences in the Judea ruled by Rome. To most causal observers that day, nothing was unusual. But that was a day that everything changed. That day had been prophesied for thousands of years...and had come!


Twenty nine specific prophecies regarding the Messiah were fulfilled on THAT ONE DAY.... 
Here are some of those 29. Remember, these were all written between 1,000 and 500 B.C.
Jesus fulfilled over 300 prophecies in his 33 years that He walked the earth....
Here are 20 of the 29 he fulfilled on the day of his crucifixion........

1. Messiah would be betrayed by a friend. (Psalm 41:9; Psalm 52:12-14)
2. Messiah would be sold for 30 pieces of silver. (Zechariah 11:12)
3. Those 30 silver pieces would be thrown in the temple. (Zechariah 11:13)
4. The 30 silver pieces would be used to buy a potter's field. (Zechariah 11:13)
5. Jesus' Disciples left him. (Zechariah 13:7)
6. Jesus was accused by false witnesses. (Psalm 35:11)
7. Jesus didn't answer his accusers. (Isaiah 53:7)
8. Jesus was physically wounded and scourged. (Isaiah 53:5)
9. Jesus was struck and spit on. (Isaiah 50:6; Micah 5:1)
10. Jesus was mocked. (Psalm 22:7-8)
11. Jesus fell while carrying his cross. (Psalm 109:24-25)
12. Jesus' hands and feet were pierced. (Psalm 22:16; Zechariah 12:10)
13. Jesus was crucified with thieves. (Isaiah 53:12)
14. Jesus forgave those who crucified him. (Isaiah 53:12)
15. Jesus was rejected by his own countrymen. (Isaiah 53:3; Psalm 69:8; 118:22)
16. Jesus was hated without cause. (Psalm 69:4; Isaiah 49:7)
17. Jesus' friends stood far away from him. (Psalm 38:11)
18. The people shook their heads. (Psalm 109:25; Psalm 22:7)
19. The soldiers cast lots for Jesus' garments. (Psalm 22:18)
20. Jesus' bones were not broken. (Psalm 34:20)


By the way, if you are thinking that the fulfillment of 29 prophecies in one day by one person is a coincidence....then you should probably buy one lottery ticket in the next MegaJackpot and quit your job before the winner is announced! The mathematical possibilities of one man fulfilling just 8 of the prophecies that Jesus fulfilled can be represented this way:
  1. Somehow get enough silver dollars to cover the ENTIRE STATE OF TEXAS TWO FEET DEEP.
  2. Put a special mark ON ONE OF THOSE SILVER DOLLARS. 
  3.  Cover the State of Texas- all 268,820 square miles of it-in silver dollars-2 feet deep.
  4. Somehow stir up all of those silver dollars.
  5. Blindfold a man and tell him he can walk as far as he wants-all 268,820 square miles if he so desires-but he may only pick up one silver dollar.
The chances of that man finding the one marked silver dollar are the same as the chance that Jesus fulfilled just 8 of the prophecies about his birth, life, and death. 

The day Jesus was crucified was a day that changed everything. He paid the price for the sin of humanity.....His blood was shed so yours didn't have to be....Jesus died on the cross so you could be made right with God. No matter how good you try to be on your own, you can't ever be will never be able to be a sinless sacrifice....Jesus did that for you....

While crucifixions were normal happenings in Judea in the years of the Roman occupation, what happened three days later was not normal and had never happened before.

Jesus was Resurrected. Resurrection Day was a day that EVERYTHING CHANGED. That had never happened before. 
Never? NEVER. 

You might ask, "What about Lazarus? What about Jairus' daughter? What about those who were raised from the dead by Elija and Elisha?"

Others that were raised from the dead were resuscitated. They were brought back to life by the power of God, but they died again. The day Jesus rose from the dead was unlike any other day in history..... 

Jesus is still alive. 

His tomb is still empty. For over 2,000 years those who oppose Christianity have tried to disprove Jesus' resurrection. All they ever had to do to completely END CHRISTIANITY was produce Jesus' dead body. The Roman government would have produced that body if it could have. The Jewish religious leaders would have produced that body if it was anywhere to be found. But they never did.

Jesus is coming could be quite soon....

It will be a day that changes everything.

I can hear some of you now, "They've been saying that for years, and it hasn't happened."

The day before the stock market crashed no one knew that everything would change the next day, but there were people who knew that the indicators pointed to an eventual economic catastrophe.

The day before the attack on Pearl Harbor no one knew that everything would change the next day, but there were signs that eventually the United States would be drawn into World War II.

The day before the attack on the World Trade Center no one knew everything would change the next day, but there were warnings that one day America and the free world could be facing a war with Islamic terrorists.

Even though Jesus' death had been prophesied for a thousand years before it happened, people didn't recognize the significance of his crucifixion when it happened.

Jesus' return has also been prophesied for thousands of years. One day it will happen. 
No one will know for sure the day before he comes back that tomorrow will be the day, but there are signs that indicate things are changing....right now.....

Here are signs the Bible tells us we will see before Jesus' return:
  1. Increase in earthquakes. (Anyone in Irving, Texas?)
  2. Increase in wars.
  3. Development of superpower nations.
  4. A lukewarm church.
  5. Lawlessness of humanity.
  6. Increase in knowledge, technology, ability to travel.
  7. Establishment of the nation of Israel.
  8. Return of the Jewish people to Israel from all over the globe.
  9. Nations aligning themselves against Israel.

The Blood Moons

Furthermore, the Bible tells us that God uses "signs in the heavens"-the stars, the sun and the moon to signal that something big is happening. Remember the star that the Magi followed when Jesus was born?

The Bible also says there will be "wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire...the sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord." (Joel 2:31; Acts 2:20)

The moon turned to blood is known as a blood moon. A blood moon is a natural phenomena....It is a total lunar eclipse, when the earth passes between the sun and the moon and casts its shadow on the moon. The moon appears blood...hence the term, "Blood Moon." It's a natural occurrence that can be scientifically has happened before.....There will be one this weekend....April 4.....

When Blood Moons happen in a series of 4 within a year with total solar eclipses between them and they each fall on a major Jewish holy've got to admit....that is unusual.....

When you watch the news and it seems like humanity has completely lost any sense of morality...
When you notice that the world is fighting around and over Israel-a nation the size of Rhode Island-....
When lawlessness seems to be running rampant from the highest levels of leadership in government to the public school classrooms.....

Something is happening. A day that changes everything is coming......

The Bible says that a day is coming when those who believe in Jesus will "all be changed. In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed." (1 Corinthians 15:51-52)

You can believe it or not. Either way that day is coming.

What if I'm Wrong

Maybe I am completely wrong.
Maybe this world will somehow straighten itself out all on its own.
Maybe Jesus isn't returning in my lifetime or in yours....
Regardless of when Jesus returns.... the day still isn't far away when you will stand before him....
If you live to be 100 years old, how many years do you have left?
Do you know FOR SURE that you will live on this earth another decade, or another year, month, week, or even day?

Get real. One day your life as you know it will end. 


If you are a believer in Jesus then live today like there is no tomorrow. Be serious about your relationship with God. You know what to do. Stop putting it off and do it.

Maybe you're not a believer in Jesus. However, you are a really good person, quite intelligent, and maybe even consider yourself spiritually astute....but if you are not a believer in Jesus, you need to become one today. 

History supports Christianity....if you look at it with an open mind....but my life is proof that Jesus is alive. He has changed my mourning into dancing. He has given me life and joy and hope and peace. I don't fear death. I don't fear the "end of the world." I know there is a day coming when everything will change and for me and others like will be a very good thing!

Pray this prayer to receive Jesus Christ as Messiah or to recommit your life to him now:

Father, I believe you sent your Son Jesus to die on the cross for my sins. I believe he is risen from the dead. I give my heart to you, Jesus. Take my life and do something with it. I am now a child of God and heaven is my home. Thank you, Father, in Jesus' name.

If you prayed that prayer......

Today was a day that everything changed...

You have no reason to fear any other day WHEN EVERYTHING CHANGES!

Message me if you prayed that prayer or if you have questions.....You need to get connected with a good church and some other Jesus followers...

Please share this blog. This is an important and timely message.
Have a wonderful celebration of the Resurrection this weekend....and don't eat too much chocolate!

Until next week, do something today to fulfill your purpose!