Friday, March 27, 2015

Beginning is Half Done~Paralysis of Analysis~Don't Despise Small Beginnings

Small beginnings....

We planted a garden on Sunday.....well...actually the Amazing Mr. Brintnall planted it....I stood by and cheered him on!

We planted lettuce seeds....they were so, so small....

Yesterday....only 4 days after being put in the soil, a few of those seeds turned into green spots in the dirt...they were only green spots, but hey....they were green....and they weren't there the day before! If you look closely, you can see them.....

The appearance of those tiny green spots made me think of these words~~~
Do not despise small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin. 
~Zechariah 4:10 NLT

We rejoice when the work is done, but the Lord rejoices to see the work begin! 


I remember hearing Robert Schuller (remember him---He was like the John Maxwell before John Maxwell?) say this years ago and it really stuck with me~
Beginning is half done.
What ideas and projects do you have on the inside of you that you haven't begun?
Maybe you've been putting off beginning because the tasks seem monumental....out of your league....too long term....just plain complicated?

It's good to always be able to see the BIG PICTURE---the END GOAL---and have the VISION---but sometimes the size of the PICTURE, GOAL, and VISION stops us in our tracks. Yes, Visualize what you want to accomplish......but don't get frozen in the PARALYSIS of ANALYSIS. 

You can sit and think and figure and graph and plot and chart and think some more and think some more and think some more until you finally think yourself right out of doing anything!

My father, who started a thriving business in the 1940's, and is one of the smartest men I know (along with the Amazing Mr. Brintnall) once told me ~ "There will never be a good time to do ANYTHING."
What he meant was that the conditions will NEVER BE PERFECT.

If you are looking for the perfect conditions, you'll never find them...

There's never a good time to have a could always have a bigger house, a nicer car, more money in the bank....

There's never a good time to start a could always have more capital, more clients, more connections....

There's never a good time to make that move to another city or state.....there's always one more relative alive who is depending on you, one more holiday you want to spend with the family, one more vacation you want to take in that part of the country....

There's never a good time to change careers.....there's that seniority you've finally achieved,  the familiarity you already have at the office, and the bad situation in your current job that you're aware figure is better than a bad situation you're not aware of....

Sometimes you just have to DO IT.  TAKE A STEP AND BEGIN!  Here's a plan that's pretty simple~

  • Pray 
  • Educate yourself about the endeavor
  • Write a plan
  • Make a list of resources needed
  • Communicate with people who can contribute to the project
  • Track your progress
  • Take a step
  • Take another step
  • Take another step
  • Repeat the last three steps
Our lettuce seeds have grown OVERNIGHT from just a few tiny spots to a whole lot of tiny spots...

But if we hadn't gotten the soil ready, bought the seeds, put them in the ground, and watered them, we wouldn't have any tiny green spots today.....soon we'll have lettuce....but we had to begin the process!

Don't despise small beginnings....just begin. 

If you were encouraged by this blog, please share it!

I'll blog you next week, and in the something today to fulfill your purpose!


Thursday, March 19, 2015

Memorial Stones-Trippin on the Past?


Is my BIRTHDAY!!!!!  Birthdays, holidays, weddings and funerals are times when people reminisce....

Those special events serve as a place at which we stop, pause, and recall where we've come from....

You know...with my odd life...I've come from a lot of places.....

Portage Lakes, Ohio-Scottsdale, AZ-Tempe, AZ-Farmington Hills, MI-Mesa, AZ-Novi, Michigan-Lubbock, TX-Round Rock, TX-Dallas, TX- and NOW.....Lafayette, LA!

Lots of places....lots of people....lots of experiences....some great.....some good....some really bad!

Today's Old Testament section of my "through the Bible in a year plan" included Joshua chapter 4....there God tells Joshua how the Israelites are to cross the Jordan river:

After everyone had crossed, one man from each of the twelve tribes was to go back into the river bed and remove a large stone.

Those stones were to be a memorial for their they would ask, "Ughhhh.....I just ran into that stone again......What is this stone doing here?"  That would begin a discussion with the elders, who would tell of the miracle of God's provision in the crossing of the Jordan and settling in the Promised Land.

Those stones were seen (and possibly tripped on) regularly. 
Everyone knew where their tribe's stone was placed! They had a common reference point regarding their history......

A common reference point regarding their history.......

One of my friends from high school just reconnected with me because she is beginning to plan our 40th Reunion.....she's set up a Facebook page for our classmates....there are some photos on the page of a gathering of the ladies who graduated with me....(by the way, Redcoat all look fabulous!)

I have to admit, when I looked at the photo, some of these thoughts ran through my mind....
They all still live in the same area.  
They haven't moved an average of every 27 months for the past 16 years. 
They recognize each other, and possibly run into one another when at the mall or the grocery store....
Their kids probably go to some of the same schools together.
They have common memorial stones around which they can regularly gather.......

My stone, on the other hand....has rocked and say the least.... 

As a mother, that can be the source of some good old fashioned "motherly guilt." Come on, know what I mean....

When my daughter got married last year, I realized she didn't have a "home"city.....she had to decide between Phoenix, Detroit, Dallas, and Round Rock.... (We love the people of Round Rock who treated her like family and helped make her wedding wonderful!)

My granddaughters are learning U.S. geography by keeping track of where GG lives.

When people ask me, "Where are you from?" I have to ask, "Do you mean recently?"

Yet every year, wherever I was, I had a birthday on March 19.  My birthday is one of my memorial stones....March 19 always came after March 18, and right before March 20....ALWAYS!

My memorial stones aren't at the weekly high school football game or Scottsdale Fashion Square where I can see familiar faces......
It's not a house, or a church building, or a familiar intersection....

My memorial stones are in my heart.......Here's one of my memorial stones....a rock that my son gave me when he was about twelve years old........

If you're not careful, you can trip on memorial stones......

Memorial stones aren't for trippin'.....

Someone who has lived in the same area for many years could get too comfortable and trip on the boredom of familiarity......

I could trip on.....alot of things in my past.....a....lot....of....things.....

But I am thankful that I get to see another March 19....and look back at this memorial and see what God has done in my life.......

  • First, I'm still alive!!!  My body is strong!!! My spirit is strong!!!   
  • I am married to the Amazing Mr. Brintnall. He is the smartest man I know. He can fix anything...really....ANYTHING....He can play the guitar....and He is a sincere believer in Jesus. He is good and kind and thoughtful. He is a hard worker and a righteous man. He also knows how to use a semi-colon properly!
  • My son is married to a wonderful Godly woman. He is a highly anointed pastor of a growing congregation in Dallas. They have three amazingly beautiful and healthy daughters. They love God, love each other, and love me! 
  • My daughter is married to a  wonderful Godly man. She is full of life. She's an extremely talented and anointed worship leader, youth minister, and Social Media guru. She has weathered things that most people twice her age would have fallen apart over. She is beautiful, funny, and strong. 

Those are my memorial stones.....what are some of yours?

Don't trip on your past....find things to look back on with gratitude....give thanks...and continue to move forward!

Hallelujah! Thank God! Pray to him by name! Tell everyone you meet what he has done! Sing him songs, belt out hymns, translate his wonders into music! Honor his holy name with Hallelujahs, you who seek God. Live a happy life! Keep your eyes open for God, watch for his works; be alert for signs of his presence. Remember the world of wonders he has made, his miracles, and the verdicts he’s rendered— (Psalm 105:1-6 Message Bible)

Well....the Amazing Mr. Brintnall is taking me out for my I'll blog ya next week!
Please share this blog....and remember to do something today to fulfill your purpose!

Friday, March 13, 2015

Are You Confusing Humility with Fear?


I'm dealing with humility....and honesty.....and following God.....

No big deal......just the very core of who I am, what God has called me to do, and how I conduct myself.....and sure...why not just share it with the whole world?  Isn't that what everyone does?

Humility is an odd thing....if you think you're being humble....are you then actually not being humble?

My son received the "character award" at his Christian high school for having the most humble spirit....being the kind of mother that I was, I told him he had to give it back...yep....I really did......

He knew I was joking...we still laugh about "Winning the award for humility...."

True Biblical humility is not thinking of yourself as a worthless a continual sinner.....or of less value than others.....

C. S Lewis said, "Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it is thinking of yourself less." 

Yes, putting the needs of other people before your own is a way to live humbly....

But it has occurred to me recently that one of the keys to living humbly is just keeping your mouth shut! I don't know who said this, but I love this quote-
"The biggest challenge after success is shutting up about it."

Keeping your mouth shut is not an easy thing for someone who is anointed to
And in case you didn't know....I am one!

Talking is what I do....I came out of the womb talking....Out of 8 children in my family, I was known as the family "newspaper."  My dad would get home from work, and I would run into his arms, giving him the details of every little thing that happened that brothers loved that....NOT!

My teachers saw it in me....when I memorized a poem in first grade, they paraded around that little Catholic school....classroom to perform....those precious nuns were so proud of my ability to stand in front an audience and speak wonder those kids didn't like me!!!

I entered speech tournaments in high school.... if I wasn't so concerned about being humble right now, I'd tell you how I did in them......  :-)

Shutting up is not in my DNA.........But it has become an acquired skill..... one that I am continuing to develop........

So....when other preachers tell me about their ministry engagements or their travels with well known, "Rock star" preachers.....I want to compete!  I want to get in the game.......I mean, I can drop some names and places too, ya know........."Yea....well I....." 
Then I hear that little voice (aka Holy Spirit) inside of me say, "SHUT UP....NOW!" 

When I listen to that voice I walk away knowing I won the battle of humility....this time....Yeah....stay humble....stay in the background.....stay in your house in the sugar cane fields of south Louisiana.....You, Gloria Brintnall, have just won the award for humility...... 

OR am I just using humility as an excuse to hide in the sugar cane fields of southern Louisiana??????

I recently heard a very successful pastor say, "We tend to confuse humility with fear." UGH....WHY....DID....HE....HAVE....TO....SAY....THAT? 
I thought I had this humility thing all figured out.....Thanks a lot!!!

As an itinerant minister, you have to put yourself out even call a pastor and say, "Hey I'll be in your area next month. Is there any way I can help you? Can I come and preach for you?"  When you do that, you are opening yourself to rejection....a've had to ask myself.....

Is it just more palatable to say that I am staying not "promoting myself"....and thus not opening myself to rejection?

You might be in a similar predicament.....

Do you have a product to sell....but you are afraid that the customer won't buy? reason...."I'm staying humble by letting the other sales people get the sale?"

Has God give you a vision for a business....but you think you're not qualified? think..."I don't know....that business might draw me away from God" 

Do you want to begin to invest so that you can increase financially....but you don't want to deal with possible risks? say...."Rich people are never humble."

Is there a relationship you need to establish....but you think you might be rejected? shy away and hide yourself under the guise of're not good enough?

Don't let fear disguise itself as humility in your life.....

God created you to do something great....something that is specific to YOU!
You CAN do great things....AND STILL BE HUMBLE....
Don't let fear of failure or fear of rejection to keep you from doing what God has called you to do.

There may be moments of failure; there will likely be rejection....but if God called you to do it, He will see you through it....

True humility is obeying God.  It is doing what He said to do, whether it is comfortable or not. It is casting all your care on Him because He cares for you. It is giving Him the glory for any and all success....

So after your don't have to shut up about it....BUT YOU DO HAVE TO GIVE ALL THE GLORY TO GOD....


Now THAT'S deserving of an award for humility..... :-)

Humility and fear of the Lord bring wealth, and honor, and life.....Proverbs 22:4 NIV

If you know someone who would benefit from this blog, please share it....
I'll blog ya next week....and in the something today to fulfill your purpose!

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Live Life Out Loud...Draw... don't Withdaw.....

Today.....I'm going to begin by telling you about last night....

I'm not normally a American Idol follower....but last night I got a phone call from my daughter telling me she had been to the live taping of the show in Detroit...A friend of her best friend was competing....she said I should watch it because she was right up front....moving and grooving....and smiling....and clapping....and the camera found her a few times.....

She couldn't talk long....because she was also invited to the after party with all of the AI contestants...and local celebs.....

We were able to catch AI...and....sure enough...there she was....the Amazing Mr. Brintnall and I just dear daughter....she lives life out loud!  It makes us joyful to see her living life out loud!!!!

Life is meant to be lived out loud.....

Believers in Jesus should be heard and seen.  Christ followers should be influencing society....yes..... in weighty things like politics and business and families.....but also in culture, in social media, in the arts....

Jesus told His followers to be "salt" and "light".....

Remember that song you sang as a kid in church....or maybe at summer camp....."This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine....."  God made you a light....but.... He never used the adjective "little" to describe you.......

Jesus said we should like an entire "city on a hill" that could be seen for miles.....that is no "little" light.....

Living life out loud is being that city on a hill....full of light.....

Light draws people to it....your eyes automatically connect with light....

People are starving for light and life....the world is a very dark place....downright frightening...and.....just...plain.....dark.....

Each one of us can be the light...As I watch my daughter live her life out loud, I am faced with asking myself these questions......
"How am I doing with that?  Am I living life out loud or am I staying silent?  When I enter a room, do I withdraw into the corner or are people drawn to me?"

When you live life out loud, you will DRAW not WITHDRAW..... when you walk into a room....people will be drawn to you....they will want to be around you....and they will always feel better after having been around you than they felt before.....

That doesn't mean that you have to be the "life of the party" or some obnoxiously loud individual....

To draw people to you.....just starts with a smile....a genuine handshake....looking them in the eyes....and asking them about themselves......and don't be afraid to get excited about what they have to say....about the possibilities for their lives....about how much God really does care for them.....

People are drawn to enthusiasm.....some call it "positive energy"
.....actually enthusiasm is from a Latin word which came from the's a combination of two words....theos....which means God.....and en.....which is a preposition....meaning within.....
Enthusiasm means God within.

God is not timid.
God is not fearful.
God is not rude.
God is not self centered.
God is not cold.
God is not......boring!

Your enthusiasm...God in not timid, or fearful, or rude, or self centered, or cold, or boring.... THAT is what draws people.... AND THAT is how you LIVE LIFE OUT LOUD!

Live Life Out Loud....Be enthusiastic.....Care about people.....Believe in them..... Hope with them.....Dream with them....and don't be afraid to tell them....You will be that city on a hill.....

If this blog made you think...or made you smile...or made you wonder.....please share it with someone else...that's one simple way to live life out loud today!

Until next week, dear reader....God bless....and do something today to fulfill your purpose.....